Sonrisas Siempre is a group of volunteers dedicated to dental service and raising oral health awareness. The ultimate mission of Sonrisas Siempre is to improve the lives of other people. We do this three ways:
1) We provide dental service to those in need;
2) We raise oral health awareness and literacy for those who lack;
3) We mentor young dentists who desire more experience and knowledge.
Sonrisas Siempre is based in Fort Wayne, Indiana but collaborates with volunteers from across the USA. The administrative staff consists solely of volunteers and operations are run sparingly, so that as many donation dollars as possible make their way directly to the patients who need help. In fact, the organization’s volunteers pay the entirety of their costs for travel, food, and shelter during the mission trips.
Sonrisas encourages diversity of all kinds on its teams. We welcome volunteers from all walks of life. Sonrisas Siempre is not affiliated with any other organization, religious or otherwise. A desire to improve the lives of those less fortunate is all that we require.
If you have been thinking of volunteering your dental services abroad, we can help. Contact us today to see if you can help on one of our trips. Or, if you are planning a trip, we can work with you and your dental mission team to ensure that your trip will be successful.